Akademik Çalışmalar


Okuma Süresi: 3 dakika

All submitted manuscripts have been subject to the blind peer review process. Accepted full papers have published in the ISPRS Annals and short papers (extended abstracts) in the ISPRS Archives (Both are SCOPUS, ISI-CPCI, and DOAJ indexed). All have been presented as oral in the event. The selective outstanding papers presented at the workshop, after further revision, have been considered for publication in JESTECH journal by ELSEVIER.


Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third-party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location-based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-to-date and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location-based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network.

Keywords: Air Quality, Air Quality Index, Rest/Restful Web Services, Integration with Web Services, Location-based Web Services

Citation: Şahin, K. and Işıkdağ, U.: A WEB API AND WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOR DISSEMINATION OF AIR QUALITY INFORMATION, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., IV-4/W4, 373-378, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-4-W4-373-2017, 2017.


Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey
Umit Isıkdag
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey

This article was published 4th International GeoAdvances Workshop – GeoAdvances 2017: ISPRS Workshop on Multi-dimensional & Multi-scale Spatial Data ModelingClick here to read full paper. 

Benzer İçerikler

Kemal ŞAHİN | Akademik Hayat

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