Give Advice

Isn’t it about time

a classinc expression for parents.


  • Isn’t it about time you got a haircut?
  • Isn’t it about time you got into some study?
  • Isn’t it about time you went to bed?

Have you thought about the possibility of…


  • Have you thought about the possibility of going away to university? 
  • Have you thought about the possibility of working during the summer?
  • Have you thought about the possibility of changing your course?

The Sooner you … , the better


  • The sooner you get down to doing some work, the better. 
  • The sooner you contact those people, the better. 
  • The sooner you call the client, the better. Explain to him what happened. 

You might as well!

What’s the alternative?


  • You might as well get the bus because it looks as if the car isn’t going to start today. 
  • You might as well come home now because it looks as if your friends aren’t going to turn up. 
  • You might as well go to bed because there doesn’t seem to be anything interesting on TV. 

Your only option is to…

there’s no alternative…


  • Your only option is to go to the boss and tell him that you made a mistake. 
  • Your only option is to go to teacher and tell her you lost the book. 
  • Well, if you ask me, your only option is to go to doctor and tell him you haven’t been feeling well. 

You have no choice but to…

there’s no alternative.


  • I think you have no choice but to call the police. This is not normal.
    Why would somebody be climbing over the wall when they can knock on the door?

It might be in your interests to…


  • It might be in your interest to do a pre-course before you start the new course. 
  • It might be in your interests to let them know that you want this job. 
  • It might be in your interest to take a few days off. Why don’t you relax a little bit?

You might want to…

You think that the person might like to take a certain action.


  • You might want to call him and tell him you’re goint to be late. The traffic is really heavy. 
  • You might want to call into the supermarket on the way home and pick up some food. There’s nothing in the fridge. 
  • You might want to consider taking a holiday in July. That new project is going to start in August. 
  • You might want to consider taking an extra year in university. This is really getting on top of you. You’ve failed a couple of exams. 

Make sure you (don’t)…


  • Make sure you turn off the lights when you leave the house. 
  • Make sure you don’t leave on the lights before you leave the house. 
  • Make sure you let the dog out in the morning. 
  • Make sure you don’t leave the dog in the house all day without taking him for a walk. 
  • Make sure you feed the goldfish but only once a week. 
  • Make sure you you don’t forget to feed the goldfish while I’m away. 
  • Make sure you you take those tablets. It says in the pocket two a day with meals. 

STH is worth a try


  • Well, what harm can it do? It’s worth a try. It might not work, it might not succeed. But you know what? If you don’t try, you won’t know. 
  • Sure. Go in and see, it’s worth a try. Why don’t you check it on the internet first of all? You might see it there. 

It might/would be a good idea to …


  • It might be a good idea to think about it before you do it. 
  • Don’t rush into it and do it immediately. It would be a good idea to check things out. Talk to your teacher. 
  • It might be a good idea to check out the reviews on the internet. 

How about … ?

a great informal way to start a bit of advice.


  • How about going out for a meal tonight? 
  • How about going away for a few days? Just the two of you. 
  • How about going for a cycle?
  • How about joining the gym? It will help in the long run. 
  • How about improving your English? Why don’t you join one of my course?
  • How about joining a book club? You love reading, and it’d be a good way for you to meet some new neighbours and some new friends.